Tuesday, 18 September 2012

A Sudden Increase in Shark Attacks PT.2

This time off the coast of Facebook chat.

"Haai Lauren. HAAAAAAAI!"

"Oh, like haai..."

You can't say she wasn't warned.

"How goes?"

Shark mouth, ajar, connects with arm.

"Cool and you?"

Arm pops off. Floats bashfully by.

"Fine, just been busy."

Blood. Blood. For God's sake, blood.

"Yeah me too. Anyway, gotta run!"




A Sudden Increase in Shark Attacks PT.1

In the Bay of Oppikoppi

Boy: "Haai!" *waves*

Girl: "Haai?" *doesn't hear the Jaws ringtone from the pants next to her, screams a smile and waves back with flaying hand*

The crowd comes in.

Boy: *smiles*

Girl: *has no face left to smile with*


Friday, 7 September 2012

Sounds like Corlett Drive

The most striking thing about moving house is the myriad of new sounds that keep you awake at night. And by 'striking' I mean lashing cowbells infused with the maniacal laughter of drunk hobos blended with the deep errs of salmon-shirt-wearing boets, not to mention the eggbeater bat out of hell occasional motorbike and down tempo drag racing, infused with the soulful grooves of delivery trucks. This album comes in a box set.

Corlett Drive is the loudest, most obnoxious street in Jo'burg. Corlett Drive is an asshole. Corlett Drive is the Comic Sans of streets. 

To get an obsequious word in while I can still hear myself think (this is bound to change in 0 to 4 seconds), I lay before you a collection of limericks chronicling my gradual hearing/sanity loss.

Gotye in the Citi 1.4
One night while lying in bed,
Somebody that I used to know came into my head.
The beat was now techno,
From car speakers of woe;
One more time and I’ll be dead.

Pinkie Fest Aftermath (Andiccio Edition)

One day while reading a book,
Three loud men heckled the pizza ‘kok’.
All clad in pink,
“Fok julle spilled ‘n drink!”
The window’s begging me to look.

Garbage Collection

One night quite late I went down to the bins,
To throw some rubbish away for my sins.
A sudden ROAR! from the garbage truck
Made my lil’ heart go cluck-cluck-cluck,
And now I only go down before dins.

Blue Light District

In the dead of the night I came home from a bar,   
I climbed into bed and heard noise from afar.
WHOO! WHOO! said Mr Hungry (hi)Po-Po
“Oh no”, said Drunkie, “to jail I won’t go!”
Grateful am I I’m not in that car.

Bat out of Hell

Every AM at the exact same time,
At a quarter to six we hear the ol’ chime.
The motorbike with broken exhaust,
Backfires under my window (of course),
And now no more sleep can be had so I whine.

Prossie Power

Sometimes, during the Witching Hour
A woman can be heard, her voice hollow and sour.
From a car she steps out,
Adjusts her skirt all about,
And click-clocks back to her street tower.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

An Ode in Ink

My friend Cayley and I recently got tattoos together. This was her first tattoo, a gift from me to her for her 21st, but also a symbol of our friendship - having met years ago in the punk scene, we decided to commemorate our 'punk years' by both getting lyrics from the same band we loved growing up, and still love madly today - The Distillers.

Cayley and I were once listlessly driving home from a party in Pretoria the night before, hungover, thirsty for Creme Soda and recoiling from a night being played back in our heads. We were exhausted, and were sitting in comfortable silence listening to music; the windows open, catching the spring breeze. The Distillers' Dismantle Me came on and we both immediately perked up, and with smiles that had replaced our idle lips, began singing our hearts out. There were two lines that seemed to stick with us: "Dismantle me" and "the sky is deeper than a dream". We looked at each other and in almost perfect unison like Jessica and Elizabeth from Sweet Valley, declared how these lyrics would make great tattoos. We marveled. We got excited. Then we spent the rest of the trip home toying with which line we liked more.

Fast forward almost a year and we found ourselves at Tattoolya one Saturday afternoon.

Our friend Mica did the tattoos for us; beautifully and delicately like only a girl can. She was the final link in the chain. We all met in the same scene, and Mica is also a Distillers fan (in fact, her first tattoo she ever got is also comprised of their lyrics), so it felt right that she be our tattoo artist.

Cayley and I both wanted to bring across the ease of simpler times, and incorporate where we are in life now - we are both writers, so decided to go with a typewriter font each. Simple but relevant. 

I went with Courier. I fucking love Courier. 

The conclusion of our car-ride debate was finally revealed and laid to rest in ink: she got Dismantle Me. on her shoulder, and I got the sky is deeper than a dream on my leg.

Fresh ink.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Slow & Steady Mixtape

It's one hell of a miserable Wednesday, but the air smells like rain (delicious) and I have butterflies for some unknown reason.

So in honour of the start of spring (if this were a black comedy), here's a moody, sultry mixtape of down-tempo rock 'n roll, best listened to from within the bed covers.

For the poor fuckers at work, remember slow and steady wins the race; just a few more hours till home time and a glass of red.

Here it is: slow & steady